One reason we punish is to deter the offender and others
from doing naughty things. But how does deterrence work?
The simple idea is that if the punishment (pain) is worse
than the gain achieved by doing a naughty thing (pleasure), than we, as
rational people, won’t do that bad thing. I won’t steal a loaf of bread if my
hand would get chopped off. Deterrence works where Pain > Pleasure.
Add a complication. What if we don’t expect to be punished? Fines
for smoking inside in public places are relatively high to mitigate against the
fact that it might not be applied in all cases. This is the maths of
probability. A fine of £50 that is applied in (say) 25% of cases creates a
probable pain of £12.50[1].
Deterrence works where Probable Pain > Pleasure.
Add another complication. What if I don’t know smoking in a
museum is wrong, or if I think the punishment for stealing bread is community
service, or if I wrongly guess that only 2% of offenders get caught? My
calculation is skewed by my misinformation. So, Deterrence works where Expectation
of Probable Pain > Pleasure.
My last complication. Humans aren’t rational. I’ve been reading
a book by Daniel Kahneman, the psychologist who has made behavioural economics
a thing. He writes about (among other things) how humans assign weights to
probabilities incorrectly (overplaying small chances, or negating them
entirely), about how they are risk averse when it comes to losses, and how
people have optimistic views about how their own plans will work out. Apply
that to our formula, and we can see that our irrationality mucks up our
calculation[2]. A
5% of apprehension might loom larger, and feel
like 10%. I might be really worried about the cost of the fine. I might think
that I am such a good loaf stealer that I
won’t get caught. Therefore, Deterrence works where (Expectation of
Probable Pain > Pleasure) (as affected by Human Irrationality).
And this is all unapplied theory. Criminologists don’t know
how well punishments deter, because it’s very hard to do controlled
experiments. Further, Pain and Pleasure might be felt differently by different people. Finally (for now), a lack of other options (the hungry loaf-stealer) must have effects. With calculations
this hard, who’s to say whether punishment X will deter Mr Droog or Fyodor Plc
from offending or reoffending?